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UK’s Made Smarter urges textile players to go digital

Submitted by webmaster on 12 December 2022
UK’s Made Smarter urges textile players to go digital


Made Smarter, a collaboration between the UK government and industry supporting the adoption of digital technologies, is calling on textile and fashion manufacturers to turn pain into empowerment with digitalisation plan. SME manufacturers are being urged to start planning for next Christmas by exploring how technology can help with the seasonal surge.

While production is in full swing to meet demand for the festive season, makers across sectors are facing a multitude of challenges, including rising energy prices, supply chain disruption and labour shortages. But changing consumer habits towards more sustainable products, online shopping and supporting small businesses instead of huge corporations are also creating opportunities for growth.

“For manufacturers the Christmas rush will highlight bottlenecks and other issues with their processes. The Made Smarter team can work with them to identify potential solutions to these challenges and support them to develop an implementation plan to ensure success in 2023.”


UK’s Made Smarter urges textile players to go digital