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China to quickly facilitate firms' participation in exhibitions abroad

Submitted by webmaster on 16 January 2023
China to quickly facilitate firms' participation in exhibitions abroad


China will make efforts to quickly facilitate participation of its companies in exhibitions abroad and will promptly give approvals, encouraging them to expand their presence in developing and emerging markets, diversify their sales channels and stay competitive, according to Yang Fan, spokeswoman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).The council has approved participation in 15 overseas economic and trade exhibitions since November to boost exports, she said. The projects focused on themes like textiles, auto parts and consumer goods.

Fifty eight companies, led by Beijing-based China International Exhibition Center Group Corp, participated in ISPO Munich 2022, one of the world's largest multi-segment trade fairs of sports business, in late November. In addition to setting up 120 booths during the event, they finalised €18 million worth of deals during the show and reached €35 million worth of transaction volume.

The administration of Jiaxing city in Zhejiang province confirmed that more than 80 groups of exhibitors from there will participate in various overseas trade exhibitions by the end of 2023.

With several Chinese exporters have slowing their search for new clients since last year, their overall export performance has declined. Hence, overseas trips are being organised as a way to help them.


China to quickly facilitate firms' participation in exhibitions abroad